

  • 2023
    Software specification (2IX20)
    Eindhoven University of Technology

Guest lectures

  • 2023
    Uncertainty in Markov Models
    WWU Münster, course "Quantitative Model Checking"

Thesis supervision

  • ongoing
    Viraj Gaur
    Handling backwards incompatible interface changes, EngD, scientific supervisor
  • ongoing
    Kas Burgers
    Family-based Fault-tree Analysis, M.Sc., supervised together with Clemens Dubslaff
  • 2024
    Wouter Bos
    Towards Inferring Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams from Static Fault Trees, M.Sc.
  • 2023
    Nicolae Rusnac
    Improving the Performance of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Fault Tree Inference, B.Sc., supervised together with Lisandro Jimenez Roa
  • 2023
    Daniel Mocanu
    Modeling and Analyzing Board Games through Markov Decision Processes, B.Sc., supervised together with Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg
  • 2023
    Konrad Socha
    Fuzzy Markov chains, M.Sc., supervised together with Moritz Hahn
  • 2022
    Jander Gilbers
    Automatic Inference of Fault Trees using Reinforcement Learning, M.Sc., supervised together with Lisandro A. Jimenez-Roa and Moritz Hahn
  • 2022
    Thomas Maas,
    Using binary decision diagrams to compute the risk of section maintenance in water supply networks, B.Sc., supervised together with Moritz Hahn
  • 2021
    Thyne Scholte,
    Using Machine Learning to Predict Ground Force Absenteeism at KLM, B.Sc., supervised together with Vyvian van der Linden from KLM (Capstone project)
  • 2021
    Vishva Sundarapandian Raani,
    Modeling and Analysis of Board Games, B.Sc., supervised together with Christina Kolb
  • 2021
    Jeffrey Bakker,
    Calculating the Risk of Valve Failures when Maintaining Water Supply Net- works, B.Sc., supervised together with Moritz Hahn
  • 2020
    Daniel Basgöze,
    Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis using Binary Decision Diagrams, B.Sc., supervised together with Shahid Khan
  • 2020
    Markus Miliats,
    Analyzing Critical Components in Dynamic Fault Trees, B.Sc.
  • 2020
    Fynn Mazurkiewicz,
    Parameter Synthesis for Continuous-Time Markov Chains, B.Sc.
  • 2019
    Hannah Mertens
    Repairs in Dynamic Fault Trees: a Petri net semantics, B.Sc.
  • 2018
    Alexander Bork,
    Analysing Dynamic Fault Trees by GSPNs, B.Sc.
  • 2018
    Christopher Lösbrock,
    Implementing an Incremental Solver for Difference Logic, B.Sc., supervised together with Gereon Kremer
  • 2017
    Dustin Jungen,
    Repairs in Dynamic Fault Trees, B.Sc., supervised together with Sebastian Junges
  • 2017
    Michael Deutschen,
    GSPN Semantics for Dynamic Fault Trees, M.Sc., supervised together with Sebastian Junges
  • 2016
    Ronja Nocon,
    Pattern-based detection of Monotonicity in Dynamic Fault Trees, B.Sc., supervised together with Sebastian Junges